The field of animation in future.- it is great field and in the future it could be provied thousands of is great jobs oppertunity for the students. one can easily make job opertunity in this fielld
the animation field is the great field. Its word animation is make by two words.
The first word's anima and the second's motion. In that case animation means that move the object that are living and nonliving.
Two types animation :- As we know that animation has two types that are:-
1. 2d(two diamensional)
2. 3d(three diamensional)
In 2d animation we see only two axis that are x(length) and y(hight). But in 3d we can see three axis that are X(length), y(hight), and third is z(depth).
If we talk about the future need of animation than we say that it is very useful us to make future in animation field. In the past it is used to be only in the cartoon films and serials. But today it became a backbon of the add industries,films. Today animation is also used in medical line and the field of science. It is very useful in these lines. it is also useful in the teaching lines. Animation field is provied the number of jobs to the job seaker.
Creative and entertaining field:-
Animation field is very entertaining field. It is also called creativity field. The people who want to join this field, they are need to became a creative mind and that are also have rich of ganeral knowladge.
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